Who We Are
Becoming Disciples. Building Community. Reaching Out.
Roseville Covenant Church is a multigenerational congregation located in Roseville, Minnesota (just north of St. Paul). We have been gathering as a church family since 1956. We seek the grace and peace of Christ in a noisy world in three main ways.
Becoming Disciples: We want to be people spiritually alive, socially responsible, prayerfully discerning, and worshiping genuinely. The scriptures are open before us and we strive to conform the conduct of our lives to its wisdom and instruction: to be Spirit-filled and Christlike. We teach the gospel to our youth and children and equip them with the knowledge of the apostolic faith. We strive to make our church hospitable to children and their families for this purpose.
Building Community: We aim to be a caring community of kinship and friendship where people know your name, story, and are surrounded with prayer, care, and support. We seek to be a reconciled people who break through walls of division with honesty, vulnerability, and forgiveness. We work towards unity while being gracious in our differences.
Reaching Out: We strive to be a congregation that is a positive presence in the community and has a culture of hospitality, habits of invitation, and an eagerness to share resources with our neighbors for their thriving and flourishing. We seek to love neighbor and welcome with grace.
We are one of approximately 850 congregations of the Evangelical Covenant Church, a growing, multi-ethnic denomination in the United States and Canada with ministries on five continents of the world.
When new members join a Covenant church, they are asked just two questions about belief: “Do you confess Jesus Christ as your Savior and promise to follow him as Lord?” and “Do you accept the Holy Scriptures, the Old and New Testaments, as the word of God and the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine, and conduct?” We then make pledges to live as faithful followers of Christ and members of the church and denomination. The Covenant Church was founded as a group of people who cared deeply about the new life found in Christ and believed that scripture is essential to that new life. In many ways, it’s that simple.
Our history and theology gives certain shape and distinctiveness to our belief and practice.
We are an apostolic church. That is to say, we trace our beliefs back to those of the apostles, the first witnesses of Christ’s resurrection. We rely upon their testimony (the New Testament) and the scriptures they held true (the Old Testament). Our belief and practice aims to be consistent with the orthodox, historic Christian faith and we affirm the Apostle’s Creed and Nicene Creed as reflective of the apostolic faith.
We are a catholic/universal church. That’s not to say, “Roman Catholic,” but from the Greek word kata-houlos meaning “whole” or “universal.” We are a universal church in that we share faith and fellowship with believers in all times and all places who confess Jesus as Lord. We make no claim to be “the only true church.” Because of this we have an “open table” at communion where all who trust Christ are welcome to partake. Similarly, we honor both interpretations of Christian baptism: infant and adult.
We are a reformation church. With historic roots in the Lutheran tradition we are heirs of the Protestant reformers who taught that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone; revealed by scripture above all other traditions. While we affirm that God calls some men and women into special vocations of church ministry, we stand with the reformers that all baptized Christians are members of, “the priesthood of all believers.”
We are an evangelical church. Before that word came to mean something political or cultural, it was used to indicate a whole-hearted devotion to Christ and a desire to share the gospel. Our church was born in the Pietist revival movements in 19th century Europe and Great Awakening movements in America that emphasized personal conversion marked by a living and active faith, inner spiritual transformation, a desire to practice holiness, and the conviction to share that faith with others.
The Evangelical Covenant Church is a unique movement of believers and congregations who understand themselves to be Evangelical, but not exclusive; Biblical, but not doctrinaire; Traditional, but not rigid; Congregational, but not independent.
You can learn more about the Covenant Church, its beliefs, practices, and affirmations here.
RCC Staff Team
RCC Lead Team
At Roseville Covenant Church, we use the Lead Team model for governing the affairs of the church. Lead Team members are chosen and elected for 3-year terms from among our membership by our congregation to discern and develop the mission vision of the church and oversee its spiritual welfare.
Together, the Lead Team seeks to provide insight and oversight of the ministries and business affairs of the church.
Have a question or comment for the Lead Team? Please click on the button below.
Current Lead Team Members
Dave Swenson, Chair
Doug Fullen, Vice Chair
Tim Larson, Financial Officer
Audra Morse, Secretary
John Kramer, Member
Ann Jones, Member
Jon Holter, Member
Matt Kennedy, Lead Pastor